Television Addicts – Perkins (1990)
The Impact Of Science On Society -Bertrand Russell
Robert Shea #Illuminatus Triology#
Propaganda, Persuasion & Deception
![This work should be required reading in education programs world-wide, as it crystalizes from a philosophical and rational point of view, world events from the past several hundred years, in view of better understanding today's world, and what is to follow suit next. Everyone should understand that there is an urgency among the elite to create a One-World government, for various reasons. First, this is needed to contain nationalist and imperialist urges in various regions of the world by having a One-World Military. Secondly, the single government is required to curtail population growth, in face of limited agricultural production and resources. The author warns that if the West cannot achieve this in India, China, Russia, the free world will be overrun militarily, economically by those populations in the UK, USA and Europe from an over-populated Asia. I should note that Mao Tse Tung created a famine, in China, resulting in as many as 38 million (yes, 38!) casualties from starvation, in the 20 years following the publication of this book. Thirdly, raw materials (oil, copper, tin, uranium, etc.) will need to be rationed and controlled by a One-World government, as they are finite in quantity. In the past 5 years, oil has risen in multiples to over $100 per barrel, copper and resources have risen and mega-acquisitions from Asian and Russian government owned companies of Canadian and US producers, commonplace. Fourth, with Darwin on his side, and Malthus, Russell clarifies that the One World Government, will use scientific methods to cut down the population, to be carried out explicitly or behind the scenes, (if birth control is rejected for religious reasons), such as new twists on the Black Plague (Avian Flu, perhaps?), or contrived world conflicts r intentional waves of starvation on a global scale, (pp.129). Unchecked, population numbers destablize a science-based, prosperous and every-increasing good quality of life. Conversely, hungry citizens can cause recessions by only buying scarce and expensive food items, withholding consumption of other items from their discretionary income, pulling down the economy. Next, Russell warns against a USA that is export-only based, since it impoverishes the World. We've seen, accordingly, that the USA has shown astonishingly high import/export account deficits for the past 30 years, and the manufacturing sector is practically gone domestically, as the majority of products consumed in USA are now imported, distributing the wealth globally, as Russell recommends. As well, taming of natural urges and self-determination is necessary among school children on a massive scale (Ritalin ?), and violent nationalist propaganda banned in all schools. Russel also opposes fanatical creeds being shown to citizens (the Middle East ?) Russel underlines that either citizens submit to international authority (so-called Reason) or they will perish and die (pp.96.) As well, Russell believes that 95% of males and 70% of females are liekly to be sterilized, so that the elite can use "scientific breeding" (pp.66) mainly among the totalitarian governments who will misuse a science for their own purposes, mainly imperialistic. With non-elected governments, Russell suggests that scentific societies will impose a special diet and injections into the body of babies and children under 10 to shape their characters into the desired citizens that are needed. Through special preparing, rewarding, and manipulating psychological makeups of humans (through mental conditioning in schools) critiques of authority, or of those in power will be impossible, as will be non-desirable thoughts and behaviors.](
The Impact of Science on Society
Initiation Into Hermetics