BOOKS Welcome to Luna’s Little Library – a growing selection of books, including many rare and antiquarian titles in the public domain. Click on the pictures to see the book lists. THE VOICES IN YOUR HEAD Mental Powers ego Mind Control Psychology Psychic Sense THE ROYAL ARTS Hermetic Law Alchemy Symbolism CELESTIAL ARTS Cosmic Influences Astrology The Zodiac MAGICAL WORLD Natural Law Divine Will Influencing Change A LIGHT ON THE PAST ‘His-Story’ Myths Tales Legends THE FUTURE IS NOW New World Order Bondage Agenda 21 Prophecy CONTAMINATION Techno-Sorcery Programming Propaganda Manipulation WORDS OF WISDOM Poetry Philosophy Blake Yeats Crowley Socrates Levi Plato sri aurobindo Krishnamurti etc THE OTHER SIDE Transcendence Spirits Death Reincarnation THE MYSTERIES Esoteric Metaphysics Religion TRANSFORMATION: CREATING THE MATERIAL WORLD Practical Arts Homesteading Health Self Reliance Building Gardening INSPIRATION Creating Beauty Architecture Art Nature Aesthetics